Luke 23:26-31 | Jesus Heals All Our Wounds

Luke 23:26-31 | Jesus Heals All Our Wounds

DATE: July 17, 2022
THEME: Jesus Heals All Our Wounds
SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:26-31

As Jesus was bring led away to be crucified, He became too weak to carry the cross/stauros/crossbeam to Golgatha ("Place of the Skill"). Why? Also, what was it that keep Jesus going? What was it that drove Jesus to the cross? In this sermon, we are introduced to Simon of Cyrene (and his sons would all become disciples of Jesus) and the Daughters of Jerusalem (not the women disciples). Jesus came to suffer and die to heal all of our wounds and cultivate a culture of healing in the Kingdom of God, the Church.

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Luke 23:32-43 | I Died With Him

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