The Kingdom

“Kingdom” = The king’s dominion

Jesus’ ministry was defined by His simple message, “Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.” During this season of preparation of returning to life and community, we will be building up our understanding of what it means to BE the Church rather than simply going to or simply doing church. The Church the Kingdom of God and we want to express His Kingdom on earth and it is in heaven. Come with us on this adventure, so we can live powerfully during and after this time of crisis in our world and emerge stronger, healthier, and ready to express the Kingdom of God in ways we never thought possible!

DATE: May 10, 2020
The Kingdom
A BETTER New Normal
THEME: We don’t take our cues from the world. We bring the character of the Kingdom of God to the world through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
John 21:1; Psalm 20:7-8

Engage life through a BETTER New Normal. God can take the worse circumstances laced with fear and death and devastation and turn them into the greatest opportunities for abundant life.

DATE: May 3, 2020
The Kingdom
Light in our Darkness
THEME: Jesus calms our chaos and confusion with His presence to send us out with a new purpose and fresh confidence, to live His adventure; fully alive.
John 20:19-21

*Sermon starts at 19:43 min*
*Location: SHIFT church steeple (inside and outside)

Jesus entered into the darkness of the disciples situation, behind locked doors, to bring His peace and presence to calm their worry and fear. He does the same for you today!

DATE: 4/26/2020
SERIES: The Kingdom
TOPIC: “The King”
THEME: The nature and character of the Kingdom is determined by the nature and character of the King.
SCRIPTURE: Colossians 1:26 & Ephesians 3:1-6 & 9-12

*Sermon starts at 20:38 min*
*Location: Langohr Campground

The Lens through which we are living and seeing comes from the King's thinking and being. Our hope - whether we have health and security or not, comes from our King - Jesus Christ.

DATE: 4/19/2020
SERIES: The Kingdom
TOPIC: “The People of God”
THEME: The Kingdom of God is defined as the presence of God and the presence of God is with the People of God.
SCRIPTURE: Colossians 1:26 & Ephesians 3:1-6 & 9-12

*Sermon starts at 20:23 min
*Location: INdian Ridge Trail

The Kingdom of God is defined by the presence of God and the presence of God is in the people of God.