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Small circle relationships are UNIQUE to the SHIFT plan and are the target goal!

What is it?! - It is a one-to-one close personal relationship with someone of the same gender that is spiritually transformative.

All roads are a means to an end - in order to drive us to Small Circle Relationships in the SHIFT culture.

Two forms of Small Circle Relationship:

1) Mentorship - the more spiritually mature discipling the learning.
2) Iron-Sharpening-Iron - equal maturity to challenge and transform each other.


We were created for Small Circle, close relationships by a God whose innate character is intimately relational. (Genesis 1:26)

When JESUS PRAYED for generations to come (that’s us!), the very thing He prayed for is that we would experience a Small Circle oneness with each other - and as a point of reference, he pictured for us the relationship between Him and the Father (John 17:20-21).

We will never experience the FULLY ALIVE life of God’s adventure without the Small Circle relationship - the spiritual relationship with someone else for which God created us and for which Jesus prayed.

The Small Circle is where true authenticity is cultivated and experienced. This is the deepest level of transformation that absolutely cannot happen in the Big or Mid Circle environment.

Since we are to love God, love people, share Christ with the world, and make disciples, we authentically demonstrate, what we call “Our Assignment”, when we are in true Small Circle relationships. Living out our faith on this tangible level generates the credibility that God charges us to bring to the world “so that the world may believe.” (John 17:21; Ephesians 5:1-2)


Small Circle Relationships are intentionally catalyzed in our MID CIRCLE environments we call @GROUPS. Visit the LINK desk on a Sunday Morning to help get LINKed into one of our @GROUPS and say YES to the Adventure of authentic community!
