Coffee with Alan 11-3-21 - Willing to Offend

Coffee with Alan 11-3-21 - Willing to Offend

We don't intentionally seek to offend people, but often we shy away from offending others by capitulating our core beliefs and the spirit and truth of how we operate and function as a church to the whims and opinions of the culture around us. We have relegated the faith to an intellectual understanding rather than a real spiritual experience. This is why many have weighed and measured the local church and found it wanting. How do we engage with the Spirit and cultivate an ability and freedom to shift our thinking about how to experience God in the local church collectively, relationally, and personally?

Coffee with Alan 12-15-21

Coffee with Alan 12-15-21

10-27-21 - Lens of Family

10-27-21 - Lens of Family