7-20-22 - Self-Control

7-20-22 - Self-Control

Trail thoughts on "Self-Control" as a way of life from observations from Galatians 5:19-26 & 2 Peter 1:3-7. Self-Control isn't just simply stopping yourself from doing back, it's intentionally directing your life toward good. I use the analogy of a car to illustration this point. You control the car using 3 things; the steering wheel, the accelerator, and the brake. A life intentionally lived only by the brake pedal doesn't go anywhere, a life lived without the brake pedal is out of control and harmful, and a life lived without the steering wheel is a life with no direction or trajectory, so your life might end up somewhere good or off the side of a cliff.

10-11-22 - Their God is Their Belly

10-11-22 - Their God is Their Belly

6-2-22 - Israel

6-2-22 - Israel