Dec 3 | Hope of Healing

Dec 3 | Hope of Healing

DATE: December 3, 2023
THEME: Hope of Healing - Part 1
SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:16-40 (v.16-24) I

n this first advent week of December, we break down the narrative of the arrest of Paul & Silas in Philippi through the lens of their encounter with the Young Virgin epithet of Apollo with a Python spirit who is distorting the gospel message of Paul & Silas. They were facing, as we still face today, 3 different malevolent powers that were attempting to hinder the gospel message and method that Paul & Silas came to accomplish in Philippi. Through this passage we engage with the idea that the Hope of Healing is a Heart that is Whole. God desires to bring hope by bringing freedom. This is what the gospel of Jesus Christ accomplishes as the Word goes out.

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