April 7 | Rest & Wrestle

April 7 | Rest & Wrestle

DATE: April 7 , 2024
THEME: Rest in His Presence, Wrestle by His Glory
SCRIPTURE: Acts 19:11-20

In a world where there are so many “prophecies” and predictions about world events and the future, creating so much anxiety and confusion, and sowing seeds of doubt of God’s great power and goodness. The Bible teaches us that OUR God, Yahweh, is God Most High…and that nothing can separate us from God’s love, favor, power, and grace. He has been there and watched the rise and fall of every nation since the beginning of time. His has sustained and blessed His people through it all. In Acts 19:11-20, we see the incredible acts of God through Paul, that handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were taken and healed people, that the powerful name of Jesus was recognized by everyone in Ephesus because of the misguided desire for power of the 7 sons of Sceva, and the incredible works of God as the magicians, sorcerers, and practitioners of witchcraft were coming to faith and greatly sacrificing their magic arts, books, and resources because of their faith in Jesus. This account shows us that God’s desire for His people is for us to Rest in His Presence and Wrestle in this world against powers, forces, and authorities in the unseen realm by the power of His Glory.

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